Named Platria, short for “Platform Reaction”, this solution provides stakeholders throughout the organization with meaningful and customizable alerting. Powered by backend services, Platria makes continuous health checks of various APIs or websites and compiles the data as URL uptime. Platria includes services for both Linux and Windows which continuously monitor CPU, Memory usage, and HDD usage of your various servers. The uptime and usage data are aggregated to the main dashboard, which displays the overall health of your web services over the past 7 days, all in a single view. Metrics are also available by application, network, or server group, as well as individual servers, giving users the ability to see health of the Platform, the Application Stack, or individual servers and services.
By defining what you consider to be an unsafe level for CPU, Memory, HDD usage, or network availability, alerts can be generated with customizable and targeted messaging. These targeted messages can include potential resolution instructions for support teams, or just the cold hard facts for managers. Different teams (or users) can get alerts at different fault levels that you decide.
And because users can subscribe to just the alerts that they care about, everyone in the organization can be informed of only the issues that matter to them, and will receive those alerts in exactly the way it’s needed.